Bella Luna

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The Homecoming of Rip Van Winkle
copyright 2008 Ruth Keyes



Old Man, old man, come down from the mountain.

come walk again by the shaded fountain,

the children are gone and the years past counting,

you've been so long away.....


Old man, old  man,come down from the hill,

the shadows are filling

each rock and each rill,

and the old stone cottage lies

empty and still,

you've been so long away.

Old man, old man, come back from the dead,

come turn again your old grey head,

who knows what weary life you led,

you've been so long away.

Old man, old man,

could the dream have been true?

what mischievous folly must you rue?

what faery trick has taken you?

You've been so long away.

Old man, old man,

come light an ember,

so many years since last november,

and your old black dog does not remember,

you've been so long away.

Old man, old man,

will you remain here?

In  this, your home, your now a stranger,

when Catskills call, be 'ware the danger,

you've been so long away.

Old man, old man, what's left but dust?

Your life and youth have gone to rust,

the years cannot have passed untouched,

and you've been so long away.

Old man old man, you've slept so long,

What name is this, carved in the stone?

A silent grave, your child's own!

You've been so long away.  

Old Man, old man, come down from the mountain.

come walk again by the shaded fountain,

the children are gone and the years past counting,

you've been so long away.....




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